Sunday, July 19, 2009

Each Bean

July 16:

Richard plans to can Beans tomorrow. He has picked Beans the last few days and we have them snapped and all ready to Can. They are in plastic in the Refrigerator in the Basement, just waiting that 1st Pressure Canning Day.

Last year, our Neighbor came over offering Green Beans as they had extra. We thanked her but said that ours were just beginning to bear. Little did we know that we would be inundated with Rain and that our little Bean Patch would not produce the volume we expected.

Richard canned only 14 Quarts last Summer, which was the least we had canned in years. If we had not had a backlog of Beans from previous years, we surely would have run out over the last few months.

These days, we are celebrating each Bean we pick and snap. In Gardening, there are no Guaruntees, only Gratitude for the Gifts the Earth gives and the Abundance with which we are so richly blessed.

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