Friday, October 23, 2009


October 21:

I went for a walk on the loop around the Farm. These days, the Natural Landscape is shifting dramatically as Fall is in high gear and Winter is poised for a presence here soon. Once again, I don't want to miss a thing.

I checked the Bittersweet on the North Edge of the South Woods. It has popped open.

I have loved Bittersweet since I was a little Girl. Our Family with Dad in the lead would always go looking for Bittersweet on the Rural Landscapes at about this season. Mother would add it to lovely Fall Arrangements of Gourds, Pumpkins, Corn, and Leaves.

When we moved to North Dakota, sometimes Mother and Dad would send us some stems of Bittersweet in the mail. It was one of those blessings from Home that made me smile and get a little misty too. I know they also sent stems of it to Mother's Sister Ruthie on the West Coast.

These days, I don't quite seem to see so much Bittersweet as I remember. Is it possible we Humans have been liking it too much?

I shall pick a small stem for Mother and 1 for us. I would like to see Bittersweet flourish in all places it has known to be Home, including this Little Farm. Please call these humble words a Prayer.

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