Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Slow Day

Today, the 3 C's have determined to be a Slow Day. Yes, we took a Slow Walk to the Big Field and gathered Corn in Grandmother's Wheelbarrow. And yes, the Corn did not amount to much. And yes, we have some learning to do about growing Corn and replenishing of the Soil. We won't do much of any of that on this lovely much needed Slow Day.

After 3 months of intensive Harvest and Remodeling, the 3 of us are at last taking a Day of Rest. We even started talking about Books we want to read over the Winter. Cups of Tea brewed from Dried Herbs are likely to be in reach for most of the Day. I made Oatmeal Cookies last night. Sometimes, you can hear the lid coming off the Jar. Melanie is testing a Homemade Dark Bread. Naps are waiting in Cue.

Life is good.

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