Thursday, October 15, 2009

Post Game Show

After a Game, one muses over what happened or didn't happen, and why. Gardeners have their own Post Garden analyses too.

To date, we have been thinking about what the Season was like for the varied forms of produce we tried to grow. Over the coming weeks and months, we will ponder why. All that we learn will form a basis for our practice ahead. These are our results so far:

Excellent: Onions, Tatsoy, Mustard Greens, Chard, Green Beans, Garlic, Lettuce, Carrots, Leeks, Strawberries, Chamomile, Calendula, Zinnias, Marigolds, Geraniums, Coleus, Chickens (those Roosters are excellent eating Birds).

Very Good: Edamame, Sweet Potatoes, Dry Edible Beans, Corn (Sweet and Indian), Sorghum Cane, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Peppers, Herbs (Culinary and Medicinal), Celery, Celeriac.

Good: Cabbages, Eggplants, Tomatoes, Tomatillos, Cosmos, Butternut Squash, Broccoli, Turnips.

Poor: Peanuts, Potatoes, Okra, Popcorn, Cauliflower, Sesame.

Bust: Cucurbits (Melons, Cukes, Squash, Cantaloups, Pumpkins), Peas, Beets, Spinach, Radicchio.

The Jury is still out on: Field Corn, Rutabaga, Parsnips, Salsify. Apples took the year off, which is a regular pattern after a heavy yield year. Regardless, Plants grown in Raised Beds, on well drained Soil (as opposed to water-logged), on Soil amended with Compost, getting the Care by Humans at just the Right Time, out-performed all other.

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