Sunday, October 11, 2009


These pictures were taken in our scurrying Friday, October 9, ahead of the Frost. Harvest included: Sweet Potatoes, Celery, Celeriac, Basil, Green Tomatoes, Holy Basil, all those Gorgeous Peppers (hot and sweet), the varieties of Eggplants, Chives, Parsley, fall Potatoes, Peanuts, Lettuces, Thyme. Melanie even found some Peas. There weren't many, but they sure were a treat. I gathered Seeds from my Benary's Giant Zinnias and the Marigolds from Mother. We will be gathering more Seeds for our Stash over the coming days.

Post Harvest, we are now processing some of the Produce into our favorite foods: Chili, Roasted Peppers (for Soups, Pizzas), with more to come. These wonderful dishes and embellishments will make their way into the Freezer, which is full. Now that should be quite a puzzle.

Melanie is exploring uses for the Green Tomatoes. We will wrap some in Newspapers which Mother has always done. Somehow, they ripen there. I am not sure how, but extending Ripe Tomatoes from the Garden is a good idea as long as they still have that wonderful Garden-fresh Flavor. Last year, we even had a ripe Tomato at Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Your harvests are do such a great job in producing for yourself. I admit to "giving up" too early in the season as we always are gone for the month of September....but NEXT YEAR (it's ALWAYS next year with gardeners, isn't it?) we plan on staying home. I'm looking forward to adding chickens into the mix.....